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How do I set up my push notifications, or will I get them automatically?

You are not subscribed to notifications by default. Here is how to subscribe:

1. Check what version of TSMobile you have installed on your phone. On iOS version 2.2.100220 or higher required, on Android 2.2.090320 or higher needed

2. Update your TSMobile app if necessary via the App Store or Google Play.

3. Select Yes when prompted to ‘Allow Notifications’. (This can also be modified in your device’s Settings.)

4. Open the TSMobile app and login to it.

5. Go to Menu 1 > Notifications 2

6. Check box next to ‘Trading Related Notifications` 3

    a. Checking this box registers the device with FXCM and is required in order to subscribe, but does not actually effect the subscription yet

7. Check box(es) 4 for which orders you want to subscribe to. There are 3 options (Market Orders, Conditional Orders, and Margin Call Orders)

8. Tap on the blue Update button. After that, you are subscribed.

Disclaimer:  Push notifications are not a guaranteed form of delivery. A notification may not be delivered to a client for any number of reasons outside of FXCM’s control. Please note that FXCM does not receive any notification of delivery of notifications to your device – only acknowledgement that it was delivered to Apple. DisclosureMobile Trademarks: iPhone, iTunes and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.Mobile Trading: There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology including, but not limited to, the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, latency of rollover update, latency of order execution and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity. It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. 

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