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How do I create a chart in Trading Station?

To create a chart:

  1. Click on the yellow clock icon from the Trading Station navigation menu. You can also select "Charts" from the main menu bar and click on "Create Chart".
  2. A "Create Chart" window will appear. Select the symbol, period, and interval.
  3. Click "OK".

A Marketscope chart will display with the appropriate time frame and settings.

You can easily customize the Marketscope charts to fit your trading needs. The "Options" menu allows you to change any aspect of the Trading Station, including the Marketscope charts.

VIDEOCharts Overview (03:01)

Updating the Marketscope chart background color is the most popular change. To select a new color for your background, select from one of the available skins under the "Options" menu. You can change individual chart color settings in the Marketscope 2.0 section of the "Options" menu as well.

${} / ${getInstrumentData.ticker} /

Exchange: ${}

${} ${getInstrumentData.divCcy} ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%) ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%)

${getInstrumentData.oneYearLow} 52/wk Range ${getInstrumentData.oneYearHigh}