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New Accounts

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The platform you signed up for will be shown on the email you receive when your account is complete. Also, you can log onto Trading Station Web with your account informationYour platform will be at the bottom of the screenIf…

Your account may be locked until FXCM is able to review all of your account information. FXCM will send you an email once the account is unlocked.If FXCM needs more information, it will be requested by email.After submitting documents, it…

To change your security question, log onto MyFXCM. Place your cursor over 'My Info' and select 'Profile'Scroll down to 'Security Question' and select 'Update'Follow the prompts to update your Security Question

It takes 1 to 3 business days to process a new application. All "status updates" are made via email.It is best to check your email for specific updates regarding your new application.  (Please be sure to check your junk mail)You…

Once an application is submitted, there is no way to add another person to the account. If you would like to have a joint account, please click here to begin a new application. The original applicant does not need to…

FXCM does not have the ability to add a beneficiary to an account. In most cases, it is best to submit a joint account application. The Joint Account holder will be able to act on your behalf in the event…

Once you finish the online application, you will receive an email with your username and temporary password. For paper applications, we will send you the username and password once the application has been reviewed. Please make sure to check your junk…

The fastest way to open an account is by applying online. If you successfully open and fund your account online, you may begin trading within one to two business days. Opening an account is a simple, three-step process. Complete your…