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What should I do if I received the error message “Invalid Account”?

If you received the error message “Invalid account,” the username, password or server you entered is incorrect.

  1. Make sure you have the right details.
    1. This information can be found on the initial email we sent to you with your username. Access MyFXCM and have your login re-sent to you. Click on "Forgot Username?/ Forgot Password?" and follow the prompts.​
  2. Confirm the server your account is setup on.
    • This information can be found on the initial email we sent to you with your username. It will look like this in the email:  
    • If you are still unable to login, the issue may be your password.
  3. Reset your Password.
    • Access MyFXCM to reset your password
    • Select “Forgot password” and follow the prompts
    • After you reset the password, try to login again

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