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What supporting documents may I send for Source of Funds?

You may provide any document that properly validates your explanation of the Source of Funds. For example, if your fund source is mainly via your salary, please provide your bank statement that shows the salary record for  the past 3 months. Another example such as if the fund source is mainly from your other investments, please provide a 3 months investment portfolio statement.

Other examples such as:•    Bank statements (past 3 months) showing your Source of Funds; •    Employer pay statement; •    Tax statement;•    Proof of Property Sale (i.e. real estate transaction).

Where funds in your supporting documents (e.g. bank statements) originate from a third party, we may ask further clarification and explanation. 

The supporting document:•    Must be issued in the past 6 months;•    Should contain your full name and issue date. The issuing company’s or authority’s name and logo should be visible;•    Should be submitted in a *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png or *.pdf file format. Supporting documents provided in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or other editable formats are not acceptable.

The content of the document must be clearly visible. 

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Exchange: ${}

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