How can we help?

I have a username, what is my password?

If you do not have your password, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to MyFXCM
  2. Select “Forgot Username/Password” and follow the prompts.
  3. Enter your username and select submit. In the window below, enter the email address that you used to set up the account and press “Get Password”.
  4. A password reset link will be immediately emailed to you.

If you are using a platform other than FXCM Trading Station, it is strongly recommended that you log into that platform to avoid sync issues which may impact any open strategies.

${} / ${getInstrumentData.ticker} /

Exchange: ${}

${} ${getInstrumentData.divCcy} ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%) ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%)

${getInstrumentData.oneYearLow} 52/wk Range ${getInstrumentData.oneYearHigh}