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How can I set up email alerts on MetaTrader 4?

Currently, the email alerts on MetaTrader 4 are not supported by all email services. With your MetaTrader 4 account information, you can use the Trading Station to request Email alerts. Click here to download Trading Station.

You can set up an email alert from Trading Station with these instructions:

  1. Open Marketscope 2.0 (Charts – Open Marketscope 2.0)
  2. Select “File” -> “Configure Email”
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your Email address to receive alerts 
  4. Once you receive the Test Email, you are ready to set up the price alert to trigger an email.

If you would like to configure SMS (Text Alerts) from Trading Station, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Email Configuration through Marketscope 2.0
  2. From Trading Station, select “System” –> “Options” –> “Strategies Options”
  3. In the Default Email address column, enter your cell phone SMS Gateway. (search google for your carrier and the code for sms gateway)
  4. Click “Apply” and “OK” to save changes. 

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Exchange: ${}

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