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Do Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have an Expiry?

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) do not have an expiry. Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) CFD contracts are open-ended. If you have not closed your position by the end of the trading day, then the position is rolled into the next day. At this point, financing is paid or received. Provided that you maintain enough available margin, your position is maintained indefinitely.

${} / ${getInstrumentData.ticker} /

Exchange: ${}

${} ${getInstrumentData.divCcy} ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%) ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%)

${getInstrumentData.oneYearLow} 52/wk Range ${getInstrumentData.oneYearHigh}