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What happens if I send my deposit in a currency that is not listed on MyFXCM?

If you deposit funds in a currency other than the base currency of your trading account, FXCM will convert the funds prior to completing the deposit.

  • Below is a list of the conversion costs, based on the amount of your deposit:

  • The cost of the conversion is based on the amount (USD equivalent) and is added to the market rate for the currency being converted.

${} / ${getInstrumentData.ticker} /

Exchange: ${}

${} ${getInstrumentData.divCcy} ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%) ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%)

${getInstrumentData.oneYearLow} 52/wk Range ${getInstrumentData.oneYearHigh}