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CFD Rollover Calendar

The financing cost for your CFD trade is referred to as ‘Rollover.' Rollover is the interest paid or earned for holding a position overnight, any client holding an open position at the end of the trading day (5pm EST) will be credited or debited rollover.

To account for holding a position into the weekend, there is a 3X rollover on Wednesdays for XAU/USD and XAG/USD and 3X rollover on Fridays for other CFD products. Additionally there is no rollover on holidays, but an extra days’ worth of rollover before the holiday.

Please click here to view a table that indicates how many days of rollover will be applied to open positions at 5pm EST on each trading day.

${} / ${getInstrumentData.ticker} /

Exchange: ${}

${} ${getInstrumentData.divCcy} ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%) ${getInstrumentData.priceChange} (${getInstrumentData.percentChange}%)

${getInstrumentData.oneYearLow} 52/wk Range ${getInstrumentData.oneYearHigh}